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AllToVR as 4 Menus
Main Menu All the controls to command the system.
Players Many players/visitors can add sentences. This shows who enter what part of the entire sentence.
Scene You can have the system generate a random scene.
Details Show the text that goes with what you see.

Main Menu:
Play Follow the grammar. More details in the near future.
Finish This will send your text to the server to be processed and saved.
WordACoaster The system will ‘walk’ you through the sentence word-by-word
Background Show/Hide Background
Generate Words Generates 3D text next to each object in the scene.
Show/Hide Words Toggoles on/off the 3D text next to each object in the scene.
Paragraph Increment Show the next paragraph.
Sentence Increment Show the next sentence.
Mute Turn on/off voice recognition
Logout Exit AllToVR

Number of Sentences This will be limited by type of account you choose
Nouns per Sentence This will be limited by type of account you choose
First Around The first noun in the sentence will go “Around/Orbit” the second noun.
New Scene The system will create a new scene at random.

The sentence (text)
Show full text The entire document. You can edit the text and click finish to generate a updated scene.
Totals Word Count for each sentence with grand totals.

Voice Commands:
All words in the vocabulary are acceptable.
Menu Voice
Main Menu Menu Open the main menu
Play Play a turn
Background Show/hide the background
Show words Show/Hide Words next to an object
Coaster Start/Stop the WordACoaster
Faster Make the coaster go faster
Slower Make the coaster go slower
Mute Mute the microphone
Unmute UnMute the microphone
Playing a turn
Clear Sentence Clear the entire Sentence
Clear Word Clear the last word
Done Done with this turn
Again Done with this turn and play again
Finish This will send your text to the server to be processed and saved
Show all Show all sentences
English Change To English
Portuguese or Port Change To Portuguese
Scene Create scene Open the scene menu
New scene Create a new scene
First Set First noun to go around the second noun
Details Details Open the Details Menu
Par Show the next paragraph
Plus Show the next sentence
Total or Totals Show Totals
Players List Open the Players menu

Next: Learn about voice recognition!

Basic Instructions
View all the Commands