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Words convey ideas to others,
AllToVR visually conveys the 3D meaning of words.
Why READ? When you can SEE!
A picture is worth a thousand words,
A movie is worth a million words!

It's so simple a 3rd grader can do it!
Let's start by creating a Thought!

1. Describe it!

Describe the thing you are talking about,
Scale: Big, Tall, Short,...
Color: Red, Blue, Green, there are 140 named colors as a standard on the Internet.

Big Red

2. What is it?

Noun: Person, place or thing.


3. Doing What?

What is it doing; Action (verb): Run, walk, fly, swim, ...


4. Be Specific!

Is "It" going fast, slow, sometimes, ...


Let's finish the sentence!

5. Relationship

How is this thought related to the next thought; (preposition) above, below, going around?


6. Add more thoughts

Add the next thought here,
Repeat steps 1-6 as many times as you wish,
when you are done; add a period "."

a tall green horse tumbling

AllToVR will show you:
A big red boat spinning fast above a tall green horse tumbling.
Told you that it was simple!

Teach your children HOW to LEARN; and they will GAIN KNOWLEDGE,
Teach your children HOW to USE KNOWLEDGE; and they will PROSPER,
Teach your children HOW to TEACH; and your HERITAGE will live forever.

Rue LaRue

Basic Instructions
View all the Commands
Voice Recognition

Please email us your comments and questions


One day! You will watch "Gone with the Wind".

Thank you!

Rue LaRue, CEO
“Devoted to the art of learning”