Words convey ideas to others,
AllToVR visually conveys the 3D meaning of words.
Why READ? When you can SEE!
A picture is worth a thousand words, A movie is worth a million words!
It's so simple a 3rd grader can do it!
Let's start by creating a Thought!
1. Describe it!
Describe the thing you are talking about,
Scale: Big, Tall, Short,...
Color: Red, Blue, Green, there are 140 named colors as a standard on the Internet.
2. What is it?
Noun: Person, place or thing.
3. Doing What?
What is it doing; Action (verb): Run, walk, fly, swim, ...
4. Be Specific!
Is "It" going fast, slow, sometimes, ...
Let's finish the sentence!
5. Relationship
How is this thought related to the next thought; (preposition) above, below, going around?
6. Add more thoughts
Add the next thought here,
Repeat steps 1-6 as many times as you wish,
when you are done; add a period "."
AllToVR will show you: A big red boat spinning fast above a tall green horse tumbling.
Told you that it was simple!
Teach your children HOW to LEARN; and they will GAIN KNOWLEDGE, Teach your children HOW to USE KNOWLEDGE; and they will PROSPER, Teach your children HOW to TEACH; and your HERITAGE will live forever.